Interview with Stella Gianotto – Part Two
As a consumer futurist, Stella Gianotto helps retail brands get under the skin of their future customers, so they can predict what they will think, do, want, and need.
Armed with this information, Stella works with the brand to develop strategies that can help them succeed in this brave new world, through:
● Uncovering missed opportunities and identifying new ones
● Reimagining the retail environment to better appeal to consumers
● Creating hybrid models that can deliver long-term sustainable growth
● Turning customers into brand advocates and customers for life
Stella’s insights on consumer behaviour, branding and marketing are keenly sought after, thanks to her expert knowledge gleaned from more than 25 years’ experience in the branding industry.
During that time, she’s delivered over 1,000 brands globally as the creative director behind Brand for Brands. She’s also received multiple business awards, including Best Brand Agency Sydney 2019.
Stella has made numerous media contributions over the years, including with the Daily Telegraph, Retail Biz, Retail Learning Channel, Marketing Mag, Australian Retailers Association, Ragtrader, Australian Anthill, Mentored with Mark Bouris, Oxygen Magazine, Dynamic Small Business Australia and Marketing Space.
Stella has also contributed to several books, including Keeping Retail Alive, Marketing Brands Made Easy, Social Media Marketing: Write Up Your Tweet and Well Spun: Big PR and Social Media Ideas for Small Business.
For more information or to contact Stell