Interview with Eleen Yaw

Life: The Battlefield
Life: The Battlefield
Interview with Eleen Yaw

Eleen Yaw Bio:

Yoga is my savior and my voice.

And for you? Yoga is about your connection with your inner wisdom while practicing yoga poses with full awareness and respectful to self. It is not about a beautiful figure in Lululemon’s yoga outfit doing a fancy yoga pose.

As a Workplace Health Educator, Yoga Therapist and Yin Yoga Teacher, my biggest reward is witnessing the work in progress of my clients in their daily life. Yoga positively influences their health challenges which previously restricted their everyday movement and caused pain, frustration, anxiety and insomnia. Empower them to live life with ease and confidence. Those are BIG WINS in life as it is never easy.

I worked with teachers in my community by running small home Yin Yoga classes that met their personal needs at that moment – they felt being taken care of and reinjected their “feel so good” back into the tired body.

My regular work with corporate clients is a focus on finding the balance between time for self-care and time for getting stuff done. I embrace non-judgemental self-empathy, self-acknowledgement and recognition. Encouraging what is possible to achieve with great health and wellbeing in mind. Chronic stress is real and we must stay away from it at all cost.

I am always looking for the opportunity to work with truthful, sincere and friendly people who are interested in a balanced, holistic approach to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing. I want to help you achieving those values by using the principles and teachings of yoga.
Namaste! (Honour the love and light in you!)

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